Inbound Marketing Blog

The Google Engine That Could--Still Be Used for Keyword Research

Written by Kayla Hrynyk | Tue, May 29, 2012
Google’s removal of its popular keyword research tool Wonder Wheel last summer was a disappointment for many marketers who had come to rely on its powerful engine to make sure they had their bases covered when it came to targeted traffic.  Its Flash-based, visually intuitive interface enabled users to select queries related to an initial keyword input and expand results in any desired direction to explore variations and alternatives.


While it’s unclear whether the Wonder Wheel will make a comeback in its original interface, Google still provides access to the same engine on which this tool ran through the Contextual Targeting Tool.

The Contextual Targeting Tool, accessible via Google AdWords, populates keyword suggestions in a list format and offers SEO strategists the ability to identify alternative queries that may lead a prospect to your site, including potentially less competitive options.

Because the tool’s primary purpose is to help search engine marketers build keyword lists that can be used to show ads on relevant webpages across the Google Display Network, the user experience isn’t quite as fluid but the results are just as powerful. Here’s how to use this tool for keyword research purposes:

While the Wonder Wheel was an open feature accessible during any Google search, you do need to log into your AdWords account and navigate to “Contextual Targeting Tool” under the Tools and Analysis section of the toolbar.


Performing Search While keyword trends have obviously changed in accord with the rapidly evolving sustainable lighting industry since this search was performed on Wonder Wheel, this side-by-side comparison shows that users can find the same types of suggestions under the Keywords column of the Contextual Targeting Tool.


Sizing up the Competition Hopping over to Google’s Keyword Tool during this research process can help guide your strategy. “Green energy lamp” isn’t getting nearly the number of queries “green lighting” is, but the competition still isn’t that high for the latter. “Green lighting” would probably be a better keyword anchor.


Adding a New Anchor So let’s jump back to the Contextual Targeting Tool to use “green lighting” as the new anchor. The Contextual Targeting Tool won’t preserve a visual snapshot of previous keyword anchors like the Wonder Wheel, but it does allow users to drill down into keyword groups using the plus icon.


Applying Keyword Findings to SEO Strategy As you identify keywords and drill down to narrow results pertaining to different aspects of your business, think about how these keywords can be utilised in your website structuring to improve SEO: