Inbound Marketing Blog

We can’t all be Casey Neistat

Written by Sarah McIntyre | Wed, Oct 19, 2016

Last week I published a very worthy blog article about the key takeaways from Hubspot’s State of Inbound 2016 report. It was fairly standard, covering the highlights from an ANZ perspective.

I covered that marketers are struggling to show ROI and want to improve visit to lead conversion and increase budgets blah, blah, so far, so predictable… however one of my flippant comments got me thinking. On the topic of the future of marketing, of which the report said it’s all about video, I said something sensible about video being complicated and hard, and that “we can’t all be Casey Neistat”..

But then I thought… hang on, hang on, hang on… why did you say that?

There’s really never been a better time to get into video. So here's my first to camera video...

It’s no longer technically complicated, or hard, or even expensive to produce a video these days.

We all have our passions, skills and something to say and there is an audience for you.

So the real reason for “why we can’t all be Casey Neistat” is fear…fear of being judged, fear of the internet trolls, fear of saying the wrong thing, looking the wrong way or whatever it is that’s holding you back.

But video IS the way of the future YouTube is the #2 search engine with, last time I checked, 3 billion searches done every month. YouTube is all my kids want to watch. Video is embedded Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram in all the social platforms that you use today and that haven’t even been thought of tomorrow… it’s only going to get more and more important as we move forward.

So here and now, I’m doing my first to camera video and actually publishing it. I have done training screen capture videos for my clients and team, but this one is the first… and it’s all thanks to… who eliminated all my excuses. It’s simple, elegant, captures video and screen-capture and you can download, embed, share it and post to YouTube if you want. You can’t edit so you need to practice a few times – or just nail it first go, like my 76 year old Father did, who clearly missed his calling…

So, now there’s really no excuse, anyone can be Casey Neistat, so face your fear and do it anyway. For some inspiration, check out his YouTube channel.

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