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April Fool's Day Jokes 2012 - More lead generation gold!

Jane Palin About The Author

Wed, Apr 04, 2012

April Fool's Day - another chance to connect with your customers and generate a bit of publicity? Why yes!!  Even though April Fools fell on Sunday this year, some brand still took the opportunity to play pranks.  Here are our picks of some of the best April Fool's Day pranks for 2012.

Essential Baby to merge with RSVP - Yes the country's biggest Baby and Parenting website announced today it was going to merge with RSVP, the country's most popular dating site.. cue outrage on their Facebook comments page... until someone "got it"...


ikea product recallIKEA Left Handled Allen Key Product recall - IKEA announced in print ads and on the home page of their website to a product recall for left-handed allen keys.  Stores featured posters and a swap box where customers could drop the left-handed keys in one side and take a right-handed one out of the other side (it's the same box).  click through revealed the joke. 


Catblocker - Adblocker replaced all ads with pictures of cute cats. Instead of merely blocking ads on April Fools Day, AdBlocker's millions of users saw pictuers of cats rather than the usual blank white boxes.

But I think my favorite is the

Build your own Mini Countryman -  by collecting one piece per month "Years of fun for the whole family!"- complete with form to send in to "29 762 individual parts". 

Mini Countryman

But here is the part they missed..turn this bit of fun into a lead generating exercise- put the form on line, and actually start a conversation with your potential customers....

Thanks Adam for the pic

Looking forward to next year's round...